Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

Odd — all the worry about the U.S. border closing yesterday, when so many have been condemning America vowing never to go there because of Trump. … Canada is doing all the right things according to a list of WHO protocols. … And Trudeau is reaping high praise for the federal response. … Ontario is doing relatively OK, but testing troubles persist for those who haven’t been abroad, a concern with community spread emerging. … Overall government responses have been generally laudable, with notable performances by some health officials. … With COVID coverage around the clock, it’s hard to believe people aren’t getting the message. Especially young people on social media 24/7, who are flouting new social norms. … People stuck at home glued to their TVs are overwhelmed with the negative but necessary news. Though, that saturation can be tedious on redundant five-minute news cycles punctuated by the dumbed-down obvious. … A cool thing about isolated reporters and commentators Skyping is seeing inside their homes over their shoulders. … Shopper’s Drug Mart is giving out free plastic bags; or if you have to bag your own groceries if you bring your own re-useable bag. … Grocery cashiers are getting protection with Plexiglas shields; and Weston stores are giving 15 per cent raises for a time. … Great to see more people “getting together to stay apart” and funny how we’re actually closer virtually than in reality. … Wonder how much water consumption is up with more handwashing. Sadly, the same can not be asked around the world where clean water is more precious (and in short supply) than in Muskoka. … The OPP is following suit with Saskatchewan in saying they will fine businesses who violate closures. … Playing politics in the U.S. with all public positivity is unconscionable. … Being cooped up is a new challenge for some families and couples who must negotiate private spaces as navigate close quarters in closer proximity than ever, which can create a little friction when discussing daily routines and news of the day. … Crossword puzzles are seeing a rise in popularity. … Online grocery shopping is getting a second look. … Saturday was World Down Syndrome Day, so if you saw anyone with mis-matched socks, that may be why.


Those missing church today and praying at home for a quick end can reach out online. St. James Anglican Church in Gravenhurst suggests looking for a live stream service online.

Facebook users can go to the Anglican Parish Of Muskoka Lakes page and join in their Morning Prayer.  Their Archbishop is also offering Morning Prayer via the Diocese of Algoma Facebook page.

And if you are looking for an online service and are not on Facebook, check out www.ststephenwalbrook.net and select ‘Internet Church.’

Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are getting generally high marks for their COVID-19 response relative to the rest of the world.

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