Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — Be safe, take care, keep your distance, wash your hands — don’t hoard.

And don’t panic.

Healthy advice most of us are heeding in these unprecedented times for most of us with community transmition approaching locally.

Being asked to self-isolate at home if you are vulnerable, returning from vacation or there’s less than six degrees of separation between you and anyone you suspect of being a COVID-19 carrier.

While unchartered waters for the majority of the world, it’s not as if we’ve been called to go to war.

It’s a new age battle.

Officials are doing a relatively good job given the fluidity of the emerging emergency that changes as fast as the hands on a clock.

So, how are you doing, coping with the coronavirus?

Tell us:

  • What are you doing to survive?
  • Are you keeping your distance?
  • Singing Happy Birthday or Staying Alive as you scrub your hands for 20 seconds or longer?
  • Do you have any personal tips you’d like to pass along about how to be safe and take care?
  • Are you taking care of others — young and old?
  • How would you help them?
  • Are we safe within our border or can we be ever?
  • Are governments at home and abroad doing enough?
  • Or anything else

Share your thoughts and comments to help others cope with the physical and mental challenges here and ahead.

Let us know, email [email protected] and put in the subject field ‘COPING WITH CORONA’

Email us on how you’re handling COVID-19. Put in the subject field ‘Coping with Corona.’


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