Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

BARRIE If you’re going to leave an inheritance to a child on their 21st birthday, make sure they’re not “leapers.”

Or they’ll have to wait a long time, if ever, for the money.

As young pirate Frederic famously learned in “The Pirates of Penzance.”

Leap year babies are more than four-to-one odds on being born on Feb. 29 at RVH.

That’s the case for five little ones born yesterday at the Barrie hospital.

The “leaplings” made their entrance into the world a special one, as the birth date they all share happens once every four years, when the solar calendar adds an additional day at the end of February.

The chance of being born on a leap day is slim, about one in 1,461, according to a release today from Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre.

First born was Lexington Taylor, at 12:44 a.m.; followed by Theron Townson at 1:50 a.m.;  Everly Nimmo-Booth was next at 1:55 a.m.; Asher Strong at 2:04 p.m. and a little girl (still to named) was born to Michael and Charlene Durkin at 4:01 p.m.

Each year more than 2,000 babies are born at RVH’s Birthing Unit and while they say “each one is a unique and beautiful miracle.

“It calls for a special occasion to welcome these little ‘leaplings,’ after all, they will have to wait another four years before they can celebrate their birthdays again.”

RVH obstetrics RN Kaleigh Kneeshaw, centre, holds Michael and Charlene Durkin’s as yet un-named daughter, one of the five leap year babies born at the Barrie hospital Feb. 29, 2020. The little girl shares the spotlight with Lexington Taylor, left, with mom Rhiannon; Asher Strong, with mom Katriena; Everly Nimmo-Booth with mom Brook-lyn and Theron Townson, with mom Maura.









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