Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHURST — Girls hockey — it has a good ring to it, doesn’t it.

In Gravenhurst it’s the Muskoka Royals, who play in the Muskoka Ringette Association.

A “team-based winter sport played on ice for all ages.”

The league, formed almost 20 years ago, services the entire Muskoka area, including Bala and Muskoka Lakes, where it was founded in Bala, and Bracebridge and Gravenhurst, where about 30 Royals call home.

According to a brochure the players and their parents were handing out at a bake sale Family Day on Rotary Main Street at the Centennial Centre, the sport began in North Bay when the late Sam Jacks wanted an alternative to boys hockey in winter.

Ringette is really just hockey — but without a blade on the end of the stick.

The “puck” is a large round disc, not much bigger than a CD, but with a large enough hole in it to stick the knob of the stick through the centre for control.

And the things these little girls and teenagers and women do with it are amazing to watch.

And play.

Join the Royals any Tuesday night at the Graeme Murray in Gravenhurst for practices.

Under age 8s play from 5-6 p.m. and the 10 and older females take to the ice from 6-7 p.m.

Games are most weekends.

There are also adult and masters teams.

The cost is approximately $460 per child with funding assistance available; along with loaner equipment.

For more information, see their website at or look on FB at www.facebook/muskokaroyals

The Muskoka Ringette Association is part of the Central Region Ringette League:

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Family Day was a sweet time for the Muskoka Royals’ extended families to gather and promote the popular sport and Muskoka Ringette Association with a bake sale at the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre on Monday, Feb. 17.