Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
GRAVENHURST — There were a lot of empty soup bowls here last night.
But all of them were filled with love and wish to help at the 12th annual Empty Bowls fundraiser, which has collected about $60,000 since 2007.
Because at GHS: going hungry sucks.
Students welcomed close to 200 people who paid $25 for hand-crafted bowl and a night of entertainment for the Gravenhurst food bank, the Thursday night supper club and GAP.
And they enjoyed in large paper cups four great hearty harvest soups — onion, tomato, potato leek and a deep butternut squash the colour of one half of the school’s garnet and gold official colours.
Culinary teacher Sara Underwood had her students at their best, and principal Trent Willett couldn’t have been happier as he munched his way through the busy cafeteria line.
Add in buns and the best tea buiscuts and brownies ever, and it was a satisfying night not only socially for community members who came out in droves, but a tasty way to help others who don’t always get to enjoy such meals.
Students musicians entertained, including solists, choirs, a rock band and band music classes.

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