Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — While nobody believes reported COVID numbers — even governments don’t trust them — “confirmed” cases remain a barometer.
Odd how last year Russians and Chinese were accused of the same.
Still they are a snapshot of where we are today and indicative part of the pandemic puzzle.
So the 390 cases reported today by the health unit are almost three times yesterday’s 141 case. (Public Health Ontario posted just 322 regionally.)
However, of real import — health experts and governments agree now — are hospitalizations and ICU cases.
Likes snakes and ladders provincially the former was up and the latter down (See below).
Locally hospitalizations were also up today to 59 with 9 in ICU.
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) also reports 2 elderly women in Simcoe died.
- Female, 80s, Simcoe, outbreak, DOD Jan. 20
- Female 80s, Simcoe, community, DOD Jan 25
Outbreak of 4 patients, 1 staff at Bracebridge hospital
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare reports late Wednesday afternoon that an “outbreak status” has been declared in consultation with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) after four patients and one staff member on a medical inpatient unit at the South Muskoka Memorial Hospital (SMMH) site tested positive for COVID-19.
The COVID-positive patients along with high-risk contact patients have been placed in isolation and only those patients at SMMH are not permitted to have visitors.
Further outbreak management protocols continue, including enhanced cleaning practices and COVID-19 testing, in line with public health direction.
Kids vaccine clinics in schools next week
Under the direction of the Ministry of Health and in collaboration with local school boards, SMDHU will be offering COVID-19 vaccination clinics for children in select elementary school locations beginning the week of Jan. 31.
The clinics will operate during school hours for eligible students (Kindergarten to Grade 8 with parental consent) and staff of the host school.
Clinic hours will be extended into the evenings for these same individuals, as well as for parents, families from neighbouring schools and all other eligible community members. More information about school clinic locations, hours and how to provide consent will be shared publicly as school clinic location details are finalized with school boards.
“Getting your child vaccinated is the best way to protect them from COVID-19, including severe illness or complications,” said Dr. Lisa Simon, associate medical officer of health for SMDHU. “Serious side effects from the vaccine are rare with the majority being mild, like those seen in adults and older children. We also know that participating in school and other extra-curricular activities are essential to a child’s overall well-being, and that vaccination may allow children to participate with fewer disruptions.”
The vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds continues to be offered at community clinics throughout Simcoe Muskoka by appointment or walk-in for first and second doses. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to book their child’s vaccine appointment at the earliest opportunity using the online COVID-19 vaccination portal at Ontario.ca/bookvaccine or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 for appointments at health unit community clinics. Additional vaccination options include appointments through the Barrie and Community Family Health Team, at participating pharmacies and some primary care providers.
The health unit adds regardless of vaccination status, everyone in the school community must continue to follow public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Measures include completing the COVID-19 school and child care screening tool, staying home when feeling ill, maintaining a physical distance of 2 metres from those living outside of your household and wearing a mask when physical distancing is not possible, covering your cough, and washing your hands regularly.
Additional information for parents and caregivers about the vaccine is available on the health unit’s website, including answers to frequently asked questions, and helpful resources about making the vaccination experience a positive one for your child.
Muskoka topped Simcoe in positivity last week …
The per cent positivity rate for last week (Jan. 16) in Simcoe County was 16.8% and 18.1% in Muskoka, compared to the provincial percent positivity rate of 19.2%. This is the highest local percent positivity reported during the pandemic, with nearly double the previous week. Recent weeks represent the highest local percent positivity reported during the pandemic.
There were 128 new COVID-19 tests per 10,000 population in Simcoe County and 83 tests per 10,000 populations in Muskoka District for the most recent week (January 16). By comparison the provincial testing rate was 272 tests per 10,000 populations.
WEDNESDAY: CONFIRMED PHO COVID CASES: … 322 IN SIMCOE-MUSKOKA (141 YESTERDAY) … ONTARIO 5,368 AND 89 DEATHS (3,424-64) 4,016 IN HOSPITAL (4,008), 608 IN ICU 626… TORONTO 891 (570), YORK 339 (197), PEEL 765 (525) … NORTH BAY-PARRY SOUND 44 (23) …

- 30,910 confirmed cases to date
- 510 cases this week
- 1,809 cases last week, 32% lower than the 2,648 cases reported for the week of January 9.
- From December 22 there have been 10,553 confirmed COVID-19 cases among vaccinated individuals
- 39 deaths in January, 10 in December
- From July 18 to January 25 the rate of COVID-19 hospitalizations among the unvaccinated vaccine-eligible Simcoe Muskoka population is 9 times higher than it is for fully vaccinated population, the rate of COVID-19 ICU admissions is 16 times higher and the rate of deaths is 8 times higher.
- 357 Omicron cases and 1,805 suspected and waiting confirmation
- 1,226,332 vaccines have been administered
- 492,594 residents have received at least one vaccine, which represents 81% of the total population
- 86% of the population 5+ have had at least one vaccine; including 82% of youth 12 to 17
- 46% of children 5 to 11 years of age have received at least one dose of vaccine

- Western truck convoy headed to Ottawa via Toronto could affect Hwy. 400 traffic starting tomorrow.
- World watching Denmark after reports of Omicron offspring, but so far no concrete proof that new variant may be serious threat.
- February blahs this year may be more than mid-winter doldrums of SAD (season affected disorder) lack of sun. A new survey says COVID is causing severe anxiety and depression unlike others seasons and that 1 in 4 people last year complained about mental health issues.
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28 years of ‘Local Online Journalism’
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