Mark Clairmont |

MUSKOKA — Impaired driving charges are appearing almost daily across the district.

The weekend got off to a dangerous start with one each in Gravenhurst and Bala Friday, and one each Saturday and Sunday in Huntsville. That after the week began with one last Monday in Gravenhurst.

One of those charged was charged on the weekend was driving a mobile scooter while consuming alcohol, the other had three times the legal limit.

First, a Gravenhurst man is in court tomorrow, Tuesday February 11, facing four charges.

On Monday February 3, at 10:30 p.m., police were conducting general patrol in the area of Sedore Road in Gravenhurst and stopped a vehicle on Beaver Ridge Road.

The traffic stop soon became an impaired driving investigation and 27-year-old David Baldwin, of Gravenhurst, was charged with:

  • Operation while Impaired CC 320.14(1)(a)
  • Refusal to Provide Sample CC 320.15(1)
  • Operation while Prohibited under the Criminal Code CC 320.18(1)(a)
  • Fail to Comply with Release Order CC 145(5)(a)

Baldwin was held in custody to appear next in the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge on February 11, 2025.

On Friday February 7, at 6 p.m., officers went to an address on Lorne Street in Gravenhurst, following up on an investigation when a vehicle pulled into the driveway.

Officers spoke with the driver and subsequently arrested and charged 51-year-old Jason Bradford, of Gravenhurst, with Operation while Impaired CC 320.14(1)(a) and Over 80 CC 320.14(1)(b).

Bradford is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice on March 18, 2025.

A short time later, Friday February 7, at 10 p.m., police responded to a report of a vehicle in the ditch on Muskoka Road 169 near Burgess Street in Bala.

A member of the public had stopped to assist and called police when they became concerned about the driver’s condition.

Police charged 30-year-old Cole Walker, of Bala with:

  • Operation while Impaired CC 320.14(1)(a)
  • Over 80 CC 320.14(1)(b)
  • Fail to Comply with Probation CC 733.1(1).

Walker is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice on March 11, 2025 to answer to his charges.

Saturday, February 8 at 6:26 p.m., police responded to a report of a female operating a mobility scooter in the area of King William Street.

She was apparently driving into oncoming traffic drinking a bottle of alcohol.

Janet Carlsen, 61, was with:

  • Operation while impaired – alcohol/drugs
  • Failure or refusal to comply with demand (Breath Sample)

Carlsen is to appear in court March 18, 2025, at Ontario court of Justice in Bracebridge.

The public is reminded that a vehicle that is motor powered in any way, is considered a vehicle under the Criminal Code of Canada and any operator is subject to the laws surrounding impaired driving. This includes scooters, mobility devices and e-bikes.

Yesterday, Sunday February 9, at 6 p.m., officers were dispatched to a vehicle reportedly driving erratically on Main Street West.

Officers located the vehicle partially stuck in a snow bank, noting the female driver showed signs of intoxication.

She was found to have more than three times the legal limit of alcohol in her body.

Barbara Riewe, 62, of Huntsville was charged:

  • Operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
  • Operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs

Riewe is to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge on March 11, 2025.

Her vehicle was impounded for seven days and they received a 90 Administrative Driver’s licence Suspension.

Learn more about the consequences and penalties of driving impaired at: Impaired driving |

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