Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — It was and wasn’t the Coldest Night of the Year — close.

But it was the ‘Happiest Night of the Year’ yesterday as hundreds of supporters and teams walked to close the gap for GAP.

Especially if you followed directions and marshals at the corners.

Dianne Harrop and Marsha Blaine took the long way round town as they just “followed the others” when they traipsed uptown from the Lion’s Pavilion at the Muskoka Wharf.

When they got to the main street at Muskoka Road it was exit left for them — instead of right — for the intrepid walkers who do this all the time they laughed at the midway point.

By the time they got to the GAP headquarter at Trinity United Church they realized they were headed north toward Bracebridge, instead of toward Toronto.

Then they realized they were on 2 km. route rather than the 5K.

That’s when they did an about face and beat a steady path due south to Mr. Sub and catching up with larger crowd who made it to the midway point to enjoy tiny subs and delicious samosas.

GAP chair Beth Houston, second left, warms up with the cleanup crew after tidying up at the Lion’s Pavilion then joining walkers after at PB following another highly successful CNOY walk yesterday. Photo Mark Clairmont

Then it was the choice for Harrop and Blaine to opt for the return route down James Street to BP for celebratory pizza or Bay Street where they wouldn’t get lost looking to follow the crowd.

Ask them which way they went when you see them.

It was all part of the annul CNOY day, Gravenhurst Against Poverty’s largest fundraiser.

As of Sunday afternoon according to the national website GAP’s 225 walkers, 46 team and 55 volunteers had raised $133,517 and were at 72 per cent of their goal.

They are still taking donations online at https://en.cnoy.org/location/gravenhurst

Matine Brouillet, Charles Murray and their dog Alice were part of the Gravenhurst Curling Club themselves raising $200.
Dianne Harrop sports a $1,000 button, which Marsh Blaine made sure to point out. Harrop was one of 46 teams and actually raised $1,200.
Jacob Pattison and his family, Natasha, friend Morgan and kids Maverick, 3, Rhett, 2, and Ledger, 15 months, were among more than 225 walkers who signed up to support GAP.
Rotarian Muskesh Patel and Denise Cooper dish up subs and samosas at the mid-point of the 5K walk.
Everyone was having fun supporting a good cause and enjoying hot chocolate at the south end of town.
Coldest night? Who’s worried as long as you have a warm heart and a cool snowbank to rest your tired feet and butt in like this happy pair.  

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