GRAVENHURST — The stage for today’s big Rotary show off was set 65, 75 and 85 years ago.
Eighty-five years ago when Rotary was founded in Gravenhurst, 75 years ago when Barge concerts began and 65 years ago when Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip opened the historic yellow band shell we see and hear today.
This afternoon another chapter in storied history of Gull Lake Rotary Park was written when Rotary Rocks the Barge christened its amphitheatre seating with another glorious occasion.
You had to be there to witness the smiles of Rotarians, Mayor Heidi Lorenz and Muskoka music lovers.
Duelling cameras
Rotarian Greg Poole and I captured images of the day — he with his Fuji long lens cameras and me with my Apple iphone 8.
(* Poole is hosting a free one-hour seminar Friday July 10 at 5:30 p.m. at his new Greg Poole Photography photo shop at the park: ‘Take Better Pictures With Your Smartphone.’ We’ll have to compare notes.)
Here are some of our best shots from this afternoon.
They show how impressive the seating looks on and offshore and how much everyone enjoyed Rotary’s latest contribution to the town park.
The money shot is the one that everyone wants to see. And Greg got it right here. Wide lenses give a different perspective, more than what the eyes see. Photo PooleA bird’s eye view of the rocks as the official party saw things is a keeper. Photo PooleBack to front always get the establishing shot of the committee: Barb McCabe, Richard Augustine, Kathryn McGill, chair Dave Reid, Pam McDivitt, Ken Little and Mayor Heidi Lorenz. Photo PoolePicture a crowd and everyone wants to see who was there. Photo PooleYou can never go wrong with a beautiful close-up shots of interesting people. Photo PooleHere’s basically what the Barge appears to be from stage left. Clairmont photoA wide angle lens give a different perspective, more than what the eyes see. Photo PooleOn the big stage, Steve Rae looks alone, but this shot captures the surround sound with the beach behind him. Photo ClairmontGive credit, where credit is due to these three Rotarians – Curry Clifford, left, Bruce Hemphill and Valerie Johnston – among many. Photo ClairmontYou can never go wrong with the cake photo. Denise and John Cooper who donated two of them, with Rotary president John Latour and Mukesh Patel. Photo ClairmontThis is a great shot by Greg, capturing Rotary’s icing colours contrasted by the chocolate cakes stretching in to the distance of the picnic table. Photo PooleTell the story about the Rotary Gazebo where cake was served after. Photo PooleSmiles all around show the joie de vivre of today. Photo ClairmontThe real star is the Barge and no matter how many times you’ve seen it in photos or in person, you have to have it. Photo ClairmontCheck out more comparisons next Friday at GPP’s free seminar at Gull Lake Rotary Park.