Mark Clairmont |

MUSKOKA — Save South Muskoka Hospital supporters are boarding a bus tomorrow for a rally and march to Queen’s Park in protest of MAHC’s hospital downsizing.

Protester are leaving the Sportsplex in Bracebridge at 8:30 a.m. headed for Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto, where they will joined other Ontarians concerned about healthcare and hospital closures and bed reductions.

SMMH says in a release that they want to “notify the government that we’re unhappy with cuts.”

Organizer Cindy Waters said: “We want to JAM the bus.”

As of Tuesday she said there are still some of the 54 seats available.

She added in SSMH’s newsletter this week: “There will be an opportunity on June 11 for the public to make presentations and be identified as someone who is in support of our hospitals and our Public Healthcare.  From 9 to 11 a.m. the Ontario Health Coalition will be listening to presentations about  our health services.  It would be so good to have people line the streets in support of South Muskoka Memorial Hospital.”

This follows a pair of nurses rallies Saturday at 10 a.m. in Huntsville outside HDMH and at noon in Bracebridge outside SMMH.

MAHC holding by-invitation only public meetings next week

Meanwhile Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare is going public again with its public consultations following criticism of the ones it held in the winter.

A limited number of people can register for small in-house discussions about changes to its controversial plans for redevelopment of its north and south hospital sites.

They say in a release — which they’ve asked the media to share — that they are “designed to gather valuable input and foster a collaborative dialogue about the proposed multi-site regional hospital capital redevelopment project. These interactive sessions will be held at both hospitals on June 5, 6, 7, and 8, 2024. Additionally, a survey will be available for those unable to attend in person.”

MAHC says “regarding the in-person sessions, we are moving to a phase of more intimate, small-group discussions.”

South Muskoka doctors, opposed to the current plan, have criticized similarly-sounding previous rounds of talks over the past year or more as catering to a select group of attendees supportive of their plans.

Topics include:

Deep Dive into the Redevelopment Model

Learn more about the proposed model: This is an opportunity to understand the specific elements of the plan and how they are designed to enhance our hospital system.

Transforming Local Health Care

Discover how the proposed changes will transform local health care: Learn about the enhancements planned for our physical sites and the positive impacts these will have on our services and community.

Share Your Thoughts and Concerns

We value your input: We want to hear your thoughts and discuss how the changes may affect you and your community.

Brainstorm Ideas to Support Health Care Transformation in Our Region

Collaborate on solutions: We’ll ask participants to brainstorm and collaborate, creating solutions to address community concerns.

Aligning and Energizing Our Community

This is more than just a building project; it’s about setting the stage for superior patient care and an improved regional, multi-site hospital system for Muskoka and the surrounding region.

CEO Cheryl Harrison says: “We are very optimistic about the future of health care in Muskoka. These engagement sessions provide a wonderful opportunity for us to come together, share ideas, and develop a regional, multi-site hospital that will benefit our entire community. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and working with you to create a brighter, healthier future for everyone. We look forward to your participation in shaping the future of health care in Muskoka. Together, we can build a health care system that meets the needs of our community now and in the future.”

  • Location: Both hospital sites (specific times and locations to be provided upon registration)
  • Duration: Each session will be approximately 1.5 hours (90 minutes)
  • Format: Interactive workshops requiring active engagement and collaboration

Two Ways to Engage

Registration Information:

Note: Due to the interactive nature of the format, spaces are limited. One registration per person is permitted.

For those unable to attend the sessions in person, we encourage you to participate by completing our online survey, available on the MAHC redevelopment website.

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