Mark Clairmont |
MUSKOKA — Public pressure has forced MAHC to re-consider its hospitals redevelopment plan and numbers, which would have taken beds and obstetrics away from south Muskoka in 2031-32 moving them to Huntsville.
They are now willing to consider more “inpatient beds and labour delivery” at their site in south Muskoka.
No numbers were promised. MAHC’s final report still has to go the Ministry of Health before 2025 to remain in provincial priority build ranking.

In the early surprise announcement Monday, Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare says it will present a new 2024 model tomorrow night after going back to the drawing board following outrage in south Muskoka at its stunning pre-Christmas service divide.
“Importantly, we need to make adjustments to address the concerns we have heard,” says Cheryl Harrison, MAHC’s president and CEO.
MAHC says it did take into new consideration the counter ‘Care Close to Home’ report by dozens of south Muskoka physicians who offered alternative options.
The March 27 meeting will be at the small Utterson Community Hall (halfway between Huntsville and Bracebridge) from 7-9 p.m. and be attended by the MAHC board. A presentation by MAHC, its consultants PSG and RPG, feedback, table discussion and a Q&A are to be included.
An unusual agenda item calls for a “Temperature check” by the facilitator to “assess the current mood and commitment level of the group.”
The meeting follows a critical counter report by dozens of south Muskoka physicians.
Last night’s 8:11 p.m. release describes the latest news with its own headline as: “Continued engagement informs fine-tuning of the local health system.”
Bobbie Clark, MAHC’s director, Communications and Stakeholder Relations, told Tuesday “it is a closed working session with members of the Credentialed Staff Association.
“We will be updating media partners on Thursday.”

Monday’s release states: “After considerable analysis and extensive consultation with stakeholder groups, MAHC is in the process of examining changes to the proposed health system model in the lead-up to a physician engagement session on Wednesday night. Potential adjustments include increasing the number of beds in Bracebridge and exploring the possibility of continued labour and delivery in Bracebridge.
No specific numbers were mentioned.
“We are listening. Our desire is to work with our community and our internal partners to build the best possible health system,” says Harrison in the release.”
However, she cautions: “Our model will still be an integrated system that is patient-centred, innovative, and sustainable with operational efficiency and minimal duplication of services. Importantly, we need to make adjustments to address the concerns we have heard.”
The release continues by saying: “Important dimensions that will be factored into the proposal include the impact on total cost, staffing models, the funding required from the provincial government, and the local share contribution from the municipalities.
“This week we will be reviewing these ideas with the physicians and our data experts,” said Harrison.
“Our goal is to come out of that meeting with more alignment on the model we are putting forward, and a greater appreciation for how narrow our options are when it comes to costing. I know we all want what’s best for all our communities, and I’m optimistic we will make progress.”

Wednesday’s closed door meeting with the credentialed staff association (MAHC employees) is just one element of MAHC’s ongoing stakeholder engagement.
The interesting data presentation, with more new facts, graphs, information and meeting agenda for the session was included in the release as an attachment as background information.
Finally, they said details about further community engagement sessions — and how those will be shared publicly — will be released in the coming weeks when more details of the latest plan will be shared.
Purpose of Session: To facilitate a progression toward deeper alignment in the MAHC community regarding the redevelopment submission to the Ontario government. Physicians have specifically asked for more transparency on the planning process and data/assumptions. MAHC has invited experts from Preyra Solutions Group (PSG) and Resource Planning Group (RPG) – nationally leading firms on hospital planning and data – to clarify the planning assumptions to the greatest degree, without compromising future competitive bidding on capital projects.
Session Objectives:
- Review the Summary of the Previous CSA Engagement Session
- Inform the Medical Staff Membership of the Complexities and Assumptions of Planning
- Communicate about the status of Capital Planning and Submission
- Collaborate on Adjustments and Quality + Provider Experience enhancements
- Expected Session Results: Participants understand: The Complexities and Assumptions of Planning
- The Planning Process, Provincial Requirements, and Financial Constraints
- Any possible flexibility
- Next Steps in the Engagement Process
Participants contribute to the development of:
- A working and optimized model for Quality, Access, Provider Experience, Patient Experience, and Financial Realities/Requirements;
- Alignment in the MAHC Community concerning plans for the future of the local health system
Pre-Reading Materials
Contextualizing Memo from Cheryl Harrison, President and CEO, Agenda, Data Package
MAHC meeting support Materials march 27 #2[9994]
See this MAHC PDF for their March 27 materials report
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