Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — Hunters woke up today to weather more suited for tracking.

The first two full weeks of November (starting next week) is deer-hunting season in Muskoka.

“But you don’t need snow to track a moose,” said hunter Paul Cook, whose camp got a calf recently with their licence this year and added a bear for extra meat.

A sprinkle of white sparkles in the daylight the morning after the season’s first snowfall Oct. 1. Enjoy it while it lasts. Many hope it’s all but gone Thursday. At least for a month or more.

Meanwhile, trick-or-treaters avoided the usual end of October rain last night — they got a dousing of wet snow between 7-9 p.m.

That stuck to the ground.

By morning it was still there — looking not too bad in a bright, cool light.

At suppertime it looked destined to remain overnight at least.

Last year the first snowfall caught us off-guard on Oct. 20.


A year ago this was the story. Luckily it, too, didn’t last long and was gone by this time a year ago. It didn’t return for weeks and weeks. Can this year be the same?

No matter, it’s still too early.

Who knows with climate change what’s up next.

Thursday’s morning forecast calls for much of the same — but the always white wonder could get the wash away mid-day.

This weekend is daylight savings when the clocks fall back until next March 24.

For now tire-changing is already job one at many garages. Best book an appointment now.

And the leaves aren’t even picked up yet.

Caught the District of Muskoka off-guard, too.

Damned if even the Cavalcade of Colour isn’t even over if you look hard — maples that is.

Most think today’s weather is an anomaly.

We’ll see. Won’t we.

But just in case keep that handy shovel you got out at the ready.

It’s like the saying: “Live each day as if it will snow — because some day you’ll be right.”

Bags of snow-covered leaves wait for pick-up today as daylight saving’s weekend return means the clocks will fall back giving us an extra hour to savour Sunday morning.

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30th year of ‘Local Online Journalism’

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