Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHURST — Doris Higgins has used the local food bank here “a few times.”

So the Bethune Co-op resident decided last year to host the town’s first “Witches Walk.”

The fun-draiser is a growing phenom that’s sweeping the world as covens gather to pitch in for good causes in the weeks leading up to Halloween.

Last night almost 100 witches walked the streets to and from the Gravenhurst Legion up Muskoka Road to the United Church and back. Last year a larger group marched from the Albion down to the archway and back.

Whooping it up and making a lot of eerie, scary noises both times.

And having a lot of fun as honking traffic stopped to watch the block-long parade of black hats.

After getting back to legion — where two large barrels framed the doors going in to accepts bags of food donations — they danced away the night to the ghoulish sounds of the season a hall decked out with giant inflated pumpkins and cobwebs.

The legion donated the hall, the Burger Boys provided food sales and $2 from every meal  the food bank along with a one of several gift certificates Higgins solicited from downtown merchants.

Other donors were the Opera House 2 tickets for a show; Terry’s Independant YIG various household knick knacks; True North backpack; Metatronin 2 bracelets; Footprints on Muskoka mittens; Tara’s Clothing mittens and scarf; Black Bear Barber 1 haircut; That Store coffee mugs; Peter’s Players toque/t-shirt; Long and McQuade fog machine/light show;Full Pawtential 2 gift bags and Blooming Muskoka dried flower bouquet.

The former Toronto school principal and addictions worker hopes to make it even larger next year.

Traffic was stopped as the black hats crossed Bay Street last night in Gravenhurst

Muskoka Road was lined with wicked witches last night for Doris Higgins’ (right) second ‘Witches Walk.’
Blakc wasn’t the only fall colour on parade.
Purple veils, black hats and grey hair couldn’t disguise the smiles.
Bay Tasnadi had one of the coolest hats on display.
Organizer Doris Higgins also sported a lofty-looking hat.
Prizes for best costume were handed out at the legion and this one looks like a winner.
A great night for a stroll for a good cause brought out almost 100 young and old participants.
Happy to help was the theme throughout the walk.
Everyone enjoyed the walk and make a food bank donation.
Here a couple of other prize-winning contestants in our opinion.
When it came to dance time, these ‘Witch Bitches of Woodchester’ looked like they were up to a lot of fun.
Everyone dressed up – even this mascot who was stirring up a mean brew.
Organizer Doris Higgins and Jaimme-Leigh Wretham tripped the night fantastic afterwards.


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