Mark Clairmont |
GRAVENHURST — It was a quiet morning today at Gull Lake Rotary Park.
There were no bands or crowds.
Sun shone over the lake again — finally.
But there was plenty of excitement shoreline as Rotarians readied to officially ‘Rock the Barge.’
The hoopla and fanfare — a tad muted — was a celebration nonetheless announcing their 85th anniversary amphitheatre project is more than halfway to its goal.
Financially they’ve raised or received commitments worth almost $300,000 said committee chair Dave Reid as almost two dozen Rotarians and supporters gathered on the hill overlooking the bandshell at Gull Lake Rotary Park.

Music on the Barge is the town’s longest-running, most popular musical and tourist attraction.
And it’s about to become more alluring thanks to the drive of the service club that has adopted the town park and livened it up in recent decades.
But the big news is that the “rock” in Rock the Barge seating will stretch twice as far as planned — five rows completely covering the waterfront hill and room for 500 to sit down — thanks already to more than 100 generous donors.
Including the Rotary Club, which kicked off the fundraising with a $50,000 donation toward the approximately $425,000 cost.
With the town’s help with planning, contracting, design and some $80,000 in kind services, the work should take place in September to avoid construction during the height of the Sunday night concert season.
Rotarians had hoped to have it up for this summer, but the larger scope meant a year’s delay.
Work should take about a month to complete.
And it will be ready in just over a year to allow for other events like the international rowing competition that takes place each fall.
Rower Diane Barr, who was out on the lake for a row, called it “great” and “wonderful.”
But in the meantime the push is on to finish fundraising by Rotarians who are acting as the “catalyst” for the town improvement.
That means coming up with the total dollar amount for the town to call for tenders and for the contractor to do the build.
So if you’re a big fan of the event space that has brought in more than half a million music lovers to the park since it began as a floating stage just after the Second World War, now is your chance to put this project over the top.
Maybe Rotarians can get King Charles to christen the seating as his mother did with the Barge in 1959.
If you’d like to be a part of this community project see their website to donate online at
Large donors of more than $1,000 will be acknowledged with engravement on a “Recognition Rock,” said Reid, who added businesses who donate $10,000 can have their logo added.
You can also send a cheque to Box 888 Station Main, Gravenhurst, Ont., P1P 1V4. Make it out to the Rotary Club of Gravenhurst for Rock The Barge.
You will get a charitable receipt for your donation
Or you can contact any Gravenhurst Rotarian.

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29 years of ‘Local Online Journalism’
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