Dear Editor:

I am deeply disappointed by the support the PC candidate has received from local leaders, many of whom declared a “climate emergency” last year and claim to be aware of the existential threat of climate breakdown.

Graydon Smith claims “This distinguished list of leaders, below, recognize what’s at stake.”

Well, obviously, they do not if they can support the actions of the PC provincial government over the past four years and then suggest voting for more of the same.

The Doug Ford Conservatives have opposed initiatives to mitigate and to adapt to the coming changes at every turn.

Recently Ford has doubled down on his “sprawlway” plans and has even suggested his new highways will “clear the air in Ontario.”

The Conservatives have consistently avoided debate and questioning of their policies.

Just today, Smith cancelled his participation in the online PROMPT Voting to End Poverty series, scheduled for this evening.

If you are interested in a caring society, connected communities, and a new climate economy, I encourage you to check out the alternative. The Green Party Plan is here: https://gpo.ca/platform/.

Len Ring


PC endorsements:

  • Karin Terziano, Mayor of Huntsville
  • Rick Maloney, Deputy Mayor and current acting mayor of Bracebridge
  • Ann Macdiarmid, Mayor of Seguin Township
  • Cathy Still, Mayor of Burk’s Falls
  • Scott Aitchison, MP and former mayor of Huntsville
  • Claude Doughty, former mayor of Huntsville
  • Hugh Mackenzie, former mayor of Huntsville
  • Len Clarke, former mayor of Huntsville
  • Ron House, former mayor of Huntsville
  • John Klinck, chair District of Muskoka
PC candidate Graydon Smith joined Climate Action Muskoka demonstrators outside MPP Norm Miller’s office in 2019 when they invited him to join them for a photo-op while he was walking to lunch. The Bracebridge Mayor voted two years later in support of the town declaring a climate emergency. (Photo by Tamsen Tillson, CAM) 
Smith isn’t the only candidate getting political endorsements. MP and former Green federal leader Elizabeth May joined the local candidate this week at a CAM rally in Bracebridge, above and below centre. (Photos Sue McKenzie CAM)