Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
GRAVENHURST — Think you haven’t seen your friends in years since COVID.
Except maybe on Zoom?
Try way before the pandemic.
That’s how Tim Montgomery feels.
The “Beaker” is going through withdrawal and wants to re-connect in person now that restrictions and gathering limits are off.
You can’t slip back in to town and bump into someone on the main street, at The Wharf, BP or — god forbid — the ’Bin.
No, the last time the Wartime warrior — and Oshawa resident — hosted one of his great baby boomer meet and greets was in 2016 at the arena, with Montgomery marching in to the beat of his own drum with the local pipe band.
He’s given up the snare, but not the itch to chat your ear off and make you heartily laugh with hilarity.
Four years ago many got to see each other at the Gull Lake Rotary Park gazebo for Betty Allen’s annual summer brown bag.
So if you want to enjoy more of his gutty big guffaws, book your summer holiday now for the second last weekend in July.
He and organizers Cheryl (McCann) Millar and Fred Schulz have another Baby Boomer 2022 laugh fest lined up for July 22-24 back at the Legion and park.
They promise you’ll see friends, family and schoolmates you haven’t seen since possibly your GHS days some 50 years go or more.
Many you’ll know or try and recognize.
“So, are we ready for another Baby Boomer Reunion. We hope so. The 75th anniversary of Baby Boomers for the Town of Gravenhurst should have taken place in 2021, but guess what COVID came along and we had to put all our plans on hold,” said Montgomery. “We feel we have put together a great weekend of events for everyone and hope you can make it.”
The three-day weekend begins with a welcome social and first photo-op Friday night at the Legion, followed by an outdoor gabfest Saturday afternoon at the Gull Lake.
Then it’s a a dinner and dance that night at the Legion. And finally chance to exchange emails at a breakfast Sunday morning again at the Legion.
They can accommodate 250 at the Legion.
The three Friday and Saturday events are $30 and the breakfast Sunday is $10.
But you need to act fast to ensure they can pull this off.
To see more details and to purchase tickets go to https://boomerbabys.ca/
Look who’s signed up to come …:
Cheryl (McCann) Millar, Janet and Mark Turney, Sue (Bandy) Murdoch, Rick Smith, Sherry (Bandy) Smith, Brian Whitehead, Nancy (Moore) Quesnelle, Mary (Whitehead) Van Ruyven, Linda (Whitehead) Conway, Fred Schulz, Penny King, Sylvia Skinner, Mike Coady, Jane (Goring) Coady, Susan (Wardman) Ragsdale, Rob Ragsdale, Larry Huggett, Roberta (Turney) Huggett, Lesley and Tom Montgomery, Sherry (Sanders) Parks, Sharilyn Stinson, Carol Goltz (Fountain) Cimini, Amedeo Cimini, Mike and Wendy Forsythe, Forsythe, Dianna Stevenson, Lawrence Young, Gail Forsythe, Rob Graham, Gary Dalby, Kathy Dalby, Rick Lance, Judith Page, Peggy (McPeake) Huitema, Allan (Tex) McDonald, Cathy McDonald, John Watson, Linda (Forsythe) and Stuart Barnes, Tom Oake, Hal Barnes, Bernadette Vandenbroek, Brad Sullivan, Heather (White) Lusk, Gerry Wardman, Kathy (Clarke) Shillinglaw, Dianne King, Angela Clarke ….
And you?

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June 7, 2022 @ 12:08 pm
SO much fun!