Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — With 30 more local cases today — including 1 in Huntsville — the region’s medical officer of health says “it would be prudent for the province to consider and further investigate the potential for” a vaccine certification or verification approach.
Dr. Charles Gardner said in statement released today through the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit that the Council of Ontario Medical Officers of Health that her currently chairs included in a letter to the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario, Dr. Kieran Moore, the recommendation.
He said: “The development of a vaccination certificate has been proposed by the Ontario COVID-19 Science Table on this topic as an incentive for Ontario’s eligible population to become fully vaccinated, and to allow for businesses and services to continue to open more safely during periods of increased transmission.
“While their report notes a lack of evidence on the impact of such on vaccination coverage or on COVID transmission, the report does cite vaccination certificates as a possible means of enabling businesses, services, and public venues to remain open for in person attendance for those who are vaccinated during higher levels of COVID transmission.
“It also notes concerns that have been raised regarding equity of access both to vaccinations and for such services with this approach (such as for persons of lower income, members of racial minorities, blue collar shift workers).
“However, it is likely that the call for this approach will increase with the increase in transmission that is being predicted in the weeks and months to come. As such it would be prudent for the province to consider and further investigate the potential for this approach.”
This is response is in reply to the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (ALPHA), which came out today strongly in favour of a provincial vaccine certificate.
Gardner is the current chair of the Council of Ontario Medical Officers of Health (COMOH), a role he held in the past as well. In addition to his past and current role in COMOH, he was the president of ALPHA.
Meanwhile, a number of health units and MOHs are considering their own local versions.
Yesterday, Gardner said at this time SMDHU will not be issuing any kind of vaccine passport or like.
This with another Huntsville woman, aged under 18, testing positive on Aug. 22, the same day as she had her first episode. Her case is under investigation.
The other 29 cases were all in Simcoe.

- 12,728 cases to date
- 80 cases this week; 127 last week, which was 27% higher than the 100 cases the week before
- Since Dec. 22 there have been 99 confirmed COVID-19 cases among immunized individuals (see technical notes for definitions).
- 1 death in August, 4 in July, 6 in June
- 4,008 Alpha variants of concern, 167 Gamma, 34 Beta, 403 Delta
- 662 cases await confirmation of variant
- 827,137 vaccines have been administered
- 431,007 residents have received one vaccine, which represents 71% of population
- 81% of population 12 years and older have also had at least one vaccine
- 76% of youth 12 to 17 years of age have received one vaccine shot
- A Montreal LTC where 47 people died won’t face criminal charges, Quebec’s Crown prosecutor. The Herron long-term care home was accused of “organizational negligence,” but the Crown said the allegations did not meet the high bar for criminal charges. A charge could set a precedent for future cases country-wide. Its reasons for the decision could come after a coroner’s inquest is complete. Families of the residents settled a lawsuit for $5.5 million in March.
- Ontario jurors won’t have to be vaccinated when they begin to return live to the courtroom this fall.

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