Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — If you’re home free today check before you go to the beach to beat the heat.

Swim advisories were issued by the health unit Friday, July 16, for six of 13 beaches in Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Port Sydney, Huntsville and Muskoka Lakes that they monitor.

They’re open but they come with warnings for swimmers.

Heavy rains have upped bacteria levels — which have nothing to do with the pandemic.

According to the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, each summer between June and September (Labour Day weekend), we collect water samples from public beaches within Simcoe and Muskoka.

They test the water samples for levels of E. coli bacteria. When elevated levels of E. coli are present in the water samples, the beach may be posted with an advisory warning indicating it is unsafe for swimming, or the beach may be closed.

Bacteria levels can increase in recreational beach water due to heavy rainfall, cloudy water, a large number of swimmers, a large number of birds, shallow water, wet sand, wind and high waves.

Beach water may also be unsafe due to excessive weed growth, oil, floating debris, turbidity and blue-green algae blooms. In addition to water sampling, we conduct observational safety assessments of beaches as part of our summer beach program. To help protect your health, please see the list of designated beaches included in our sampling program and their status.

See lists of beaches open/closed below for details:


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28 years of ‘Local Online Journalism’

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