With the first long weekend we’re catching up on a few photos from of late as the season changes — and COVID coverage takes a break.
And we stop to see and smell the flowers as plant life changes along with our own lives.
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Ontario’s official flower the trillium is sadly nearing the end of its beautiful spring season as it transitions from the innocence of its iconic white, however thankfully to an equally pretty mauve giving it a second life.Lilacs are the new trilliums as they brighten neighbourhoods and give off a gorgeous perfumy smell that makes you want to stop, put your nose in close to drink in and enjoy their unmistakable flagrance.Gardens are a delight any time, especially early in the season as people drive around town to admire and show some respect for what green thumbs can do with a lot of hard, back-breaking work.You never get tired of sunsets like this one at the Lookout in Gravenhurst, with the western horizon as if on fire.It’s apple blossom time and the delicate white flowers are a portent of the rich, succulent sweetness that springs from even rocky outcrops as summer arrives this long weekend.A gorgeous seam of grey granite, with contrasting pink stripes make for a striking picture as they point the way toward the end of another day.And another pretty weed season comes to an end, unless of course you’re a lover of dandelion wine.
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If those yellow dandelion heads were unknown to us, and popping up in another country we were touring, we would be down on our knees to admire them. Even the seed heads are intriguing and beautiful. And every child loves to blow those seeds off into the wind. We’ve just decided that our lawns deserve better — more’s the pity!
May 25, 2021 @ 3:02 pm
If those yellow dandelion heads were unknown to us, and popping up in another country we were touring, we would be down on our knees to admire them. Even the seed heads are intriguing and beautiful. And every child loves to blow those seeds off into the wind. We’ve just decided that our lawns deserve better — more’s the pity!