Mark Clairmont |
ORILLIA — Stay home … or pay the price, say police.
The Ontario Provincial Police want the public to be aware of actions being taken to help limit the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, including restrictions on inter-provincial travel.
The province has announced further restrictions on outdoor activities and gatherings.
As of Saturday, April 17 at 12:01 a.m.:
Outdoor gatherings are restricted to members of the same household only (plus one other person if that individual lives alone);
In-person shopping is restricted to 25 per cent of building capacity;
Outdoor recreational facilities and non-essential construction sites will be closed.
Effective Monday, April 19 at 12:01 a.m. capacity at religious gatherings, weddings and funerals will be limited to 10 people.
The OPP will have members located at inter-provincial points of entry by road to screen all vehicles beginning Monday at 12:01 a.m. ET/CT-Manitoba time.
Those not travelling for essential reasons will be refused entry.
There are exceptions for work, medical care, transportation of goods and the exercising of Treaty rights for Indigenous persons.
Under the updated orders, police have the authority to ask individuals and motorists who are not at home their purpose for leaving home and to provide their home address.
The OPP urges everyone to comply with all restrictions.
Although voluntary compliance is always preferred, the release adds that under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), Re-Opening Ontario Act (ROA) and federal Quarantine Act, there are consequences for individuals who choose to defy the emergency orders that are in force.
And the OPP will be informing the public of charges laid each day on its social media accounts.
The public is reminded that individuals who fail to comply with the restrictions can be issued a minimum fine of $750.
Those who obstruct an authority or individual from enforcing or complying with an order can receive a minimum fine of $1,000, and those who host parties or gatherings in violation of the regulations can face a maximum fine of $10,000 on conviction.
For all non-emergency police matters – including allegations of non-compliance – contact your municipal by-law office, call the OPP non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122, or contact your local detachment.
The OPP says it “continues to provide public safety services to the communities we serve and support the efforts of federal, provincial and local health authorities during this pandemic.
“We appreciate the public’s ongoing support of these measures.”

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