Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — Messages of condolence papered the front window of DTA this week.

The heartfelt sentiments — and etched memories — were inside big red and white hearts tucked beneath dangling snowflakes and all expressed similar sympathies.

Each was a personal connection with the DTA accountant who died March 15 of a heart attack.

A small silver tin with a black marker and hearts sat beneath outside next to the front door.

It was nice way to say one last goodbye to a good guy.

And the public posts left an indelible — if temporary — mark on the Ing Building.

But a lasting local legacy that stands out on a dusty spring main street.

The outpourings a window into the soul of the community.

Holly Carney, who works in the office and has been inundated in taking calls from clients and well-wishers, was moved by the outpouring.

Often the door is open and friends and strangers pop their heads in to say hi.

They express sadness and occasionally get a hug.

A fond and fitting farewell amid the times.

Sherry Osborne Rasmussen reads some of the messages as she prepares to post her own condolences this week, before getting a hug, below, from an appreciative Holly Carney.


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