Mark Clairmont |

SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — The province has announced the ages and dates when you can get a vaccination.

General (Ret.) Rick Hillier, chair of Ontario’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, explained the roll-out this morning on booking an appointment online and by phone.

The local health unit will announce its own details tomorrow on when it will start clinics next week in Muskoka and Simcoe with people aged 85+.

Hillier said the province will open bookings online and through a call centre March 15.

  • March 15 it begins with those 80+.

  • April 1st it’s 75 and up.

  • May 1st it 70 and up.

  • June 1st it’s 65 and up

  • July 1st its 60 and up.

  • After that younger ages will be vaccinated.

People will be able to book online and through the call centre.

But Hillier asked people in different age groups to wait until their time comes before calling in, so they don’t tie up lines.

Rick Hillier announced dates and ages of when Ontarians can get vaccinated this winter and spring.

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