SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — Months or even weeks ago COVID reports were rare in Muskoka.

Now’s they’ve become almost a daily occurrence.

Today is no exception to the new order — with two more people up north here testing positive.

A young man, 18-34, in Bracebridge is under investigation.

And an older woman, 35-44, from Huntsville who acquired it through the community is the latest example of otherwise anomalies.

The other 56 today were, as per norm, situated in the Simcoes.

They’re among a running total of 262 since Sunday — 71 shy of last week’s total of 333.

Another especially bad reported day tomorrow could match — or even exceed that.

Which in reality means testing that happened yesterday or today, Thursday Dec. 17.

It’s why Ontario is considering more severe restriction measures almost a week out from Christmas when you may need only a small turkey this year — or be enjoying larger leftovers into 2021.

Ontario recorded a record 2,432 people with positive tests and 23 more deaths, as hospitals are calling for a four-week lockdown in the most southerly impacted parts of the province – including Simcoe-Muskoka that is in the red zone.

Everywhere numbers are going up.

In Toronto there were 737 cases, 434 in Peel, 209 in York Region, 190 in Windsor-Essex and 142 in Hamilton.

Quebec saw 1,855 cases and 22 dead; Manitoba 221 and 14 deceased.

Meanwhile, Public Health Ontario says that as of today there are 802 outbreaks at LTCs, 418 at retirement homes and 203 in hospitals.


  • A B.C. ski resort fires employees after parties and shared housing cause dozens of cases.
  • In France, where President Emmanuel Macron has been a global leader in fighting the disease, has tested positive.
  • Pfizer says it has “millions” of unclaimed vaccine doses in the U.S.
Last minute postings have people coming and going and lineups like the one yesterday in Gravenhurst where Janice Wright had to wait to mail a gift to her daughter in B.C. to ensure it got there before Christmas.

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