SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — New red zone Public Health restrictions for Muskoka and Simcoe counties announced today aren’t a total lockdown like the grey one York, Toronto and Peel are moving into.

But they will further limit your movements and interactions for at least the next 28 days.

If the measures don’t flatten the curve — as even local health officials says is possible —  more stringent lockdown restrictions are possible in mid-January.

See a link to them here:

Or read the full list below:

Firstly, they say always stay home if you have symptoms, physically distance by staying two metres apart from people you don’t live with, wear a mask or face covering in indoor public spaces and avoid non-essential travel.

Gatherings and close contact

Limit close contact to your household (the people you live with) and stay at least 2 metres apart from everyone else.

Do not visit any other household or allow visitors in your home. If you live alone, you can have close contact with only one other household.

All events and social gatherings:

  • Indoors: 5 people
  • Outside: 25 people

Religious, wedding and funeral services:

  • Indoors: 30% capacity
  • Outdoors: 100 people

Only go out for essential reasons, such as:

  • work
  • school
  • groceries
  • pharmacy
  • health care
  • helping vulnerable people
  • exercise and physical activity

Work remotely, where possible.

Rules for all businesses

All open businesses must:

  • screen employees (for example, using the covid 19 Screening Tool for Workplaces – PDF)
  • limit capacity so guests can stay at least 2 metres apart
  • make sure anyone indoors wears a mask or face covering, including workers who have to come within 2 metres of anyone else
  • make sure workers use personal protective equipment (PPE) that protects their eyes, nose and mouth when they must come within 2 metres of anyone who is not wearing a mask or face covering or separated by plexiglass
  • clean and disinfect often-touched surfaces, such as equipment, washrooms, locker rooms, change rooms and showers frequently

Restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments

Capacity limits:

  • Indoors: 10 people total
  • 4 people per table

Guests must:

  • sit with at least 2 metres between tables
  • wear masks or face coverings except when eating or drinking
  • wear a mask or face covering and keep 2 metres apart when lining up and gathering outside
  • give their name and contact information
  • answer screening questions about covid 19 symptoms and exposure before they come in

Not allowed:

  • Buffets
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Live music performance
  • Strip clubs (can only operate as a restaurant or bar)

Time restrictions:

  • Establishments must close by 10 p.m.
  • Alcohol cannot be sold after 9 p.m.
  • No one can drink alcohol after 10 p.m.

Sports and recreational fitness facilities

Capacity limits:

  • Indoors:
    • 10 people total
    • 10 people per class
    • 10 people in areas with weights or exercise equipment
  • Outside: 25 people
  • No spectators, except for one parent or guardian per child

Team sports:

  • must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmage)
  • must keep 2 metres physical distance, no contact permitted

Everyone must:

  • always wear a mask or face covering except when exercising
  • stay 3 metres apart in classes or areas with weights or exercise equipment and 2 metres apart everywhere else
  • make reservations (only one required per team)
  • give their name and contact information
  • answer screening questions about covid 19 symptoms and exposure before they come in

Time restrictions:

  • 90-minute time limit for classes and working out (does not apply for sports)

Meeting and event spaces

Capacity limits:

Not allowed:

  • Booking multiple rooms for the same event

Guests must:

  • give their name and contact information
  • answer screening questions about covid 19 symptoms and exposures before they come in

Time restrictions:

  • Establishments must close by 10 p.m.
  • Alcohol cannot be sold after 9 p.m.
  • No one can drink alcohol after 10 p.m.


Capacity limits:

  • 10 seated people per mall food court

Fitting rooms cannot be right next to each other.

Guests must:

  • wear a mask or face covering and keep at least 2 metres apart when lining up and gathering outside
  • answer screening questions about covid 19 symptoms and exposure before they come into malls

Personal care services


  • Oxygen bars
  • Steam rooms
  • Saunas
  • Sensory deprivation pods (except for therapeutic purposes)
  • Bath houses
  • Other adult venues

Guests must:

  • give their name and contact information
  • answer screening questions about covid 19 symptoms and exposure before they come in

Not allowed:

  • services that need guests to remove their mask/face covering

Casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments

Capacity limits:

  • Indoors: 10 people total
  • Outside: 25 people total

Not allowed:

  • Table games (for example, poker, blackjack, roulette)

Guests must:

  • give their name and contact information
  • answer screening questions about covid 19 symptoms and exposure before they come in

Time restrictions:

  • Alcohol cannot be sold after 9 p.m.
  • No one can drink alcohol after 10 p.m.


Closed (with some exceptions)

Only drive-ins allowed.

Performing arts facilities

No audiences allowed.

Rehearsing, recording or broadcasting an event or performance is allowed (for example, streaming a performance to an online audience).

Everyone must stay 2 metres away from each other, except when needed for the performance.

There must be a barrier (for example, plexiglass) between singers and wind- or brass-instrument players and other performers.