Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — The local cases are down locally, but have hit a record provincially today.
While Simcoe had 36 new corona reports (none in Muskoka) Ontario saw 1,983 people test positive, with 35 people dying.
That includes 515 in Peel, 496 in Toronto and 208 in York Region.
Quebec says it had 1,842 cases and 33 deaths; and Manitoba 293 with 13 people passing away.
Yesterday Alberta had 1,460 cases.
Regionally, the local health unit says the Thursday Dec. 10 figures bring to 305 the cases thus far since Sunday.
And 2,551 for the year.
And one more death since yesterday — for a total of 54.
- Ontario is among government considering proof-of-vaccine cards, which could be required to access future service public and private.
- First it was grocery stores … now it’s restaurants and pubs that will be allowed off-sales of booze permanently, says Ontario, as a result of the cornoavirus.
- More than 3,000 people a day are dying in the United States, now in the fallout of COVID.

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