Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — As the days count down to Christmas, COVID cases in Simcoe and Muskoka continue to go up.

Wednesday saw two more Muskokans test positive and 50 more in Simcoe counties north and south.

A Bracebridge woman, listed as older than 80, had close contact, late health unit stats posted after 2 p.m. today.

And a Gravenhurst man, aged somewhere between 65 and 79, in under investigation as the cause of his infection.

Across Ontario numbers continued to soar with 2,139 cases and 43 deaths.

That includes Toronto at 780, Peel 528, York 148 and Windsor-Essex 111.

In Quebec they had another big day with 1,897 cases and 43 deaths.

In Manitoba there were 292 positive tests and 15 more deaths.

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit website reports 213 cases so far this week.

If the same numbers as today come up tomorrow and Friday, those 104 would bring the weekly total to 317 – just short of the 333 recorded last week.


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  • Fights emerging over who gets vaccines, as Ontario retirement homes association wants their staff and residents to be included sooner than later.
  • Queue-jumping fears downplayed for rich, say officials in Canada and the U.S.
  • Walgreens and CVS pharmacies in U.S. to soon be doing vaccine injections.


Simcoe-Muskoka continues to see about a 2 per cent daily increase in COVID cases, according to the health unit figures early this week, with the older population significantly affect.

Wednesday’s COVD accounting sees 52 cases across the region – with 2 in Muskoka and 50 in the Simcoes.

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