Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

HUNTSVILLE Police who may often look like they’re lying low or inactive caught up with some outstanding criminal activity this week in what they’re calling a “street sweep.”

Which may account for a lot of police presence on your street the past three days.

They say that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the Muskoka Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU) with assistance from frontline members of the Bracebridge, and Huntsville detachments undertook the “street sweep” focusing on outstanding warrants and compliance checks of people on release conditions.

The behind the scenes work led officers dealing with 22 warrants, eight of them that resulted in arrests.

They also conducted six compliance checks that led to a warrant being sought for the arrest of one individual who was found to be non-compliant.

In addition, officers were busy laying the following new charges:

  • Impaired operation of a motor vehicle by drug
  • Possession of a schedule I substance – fentanyl.

As well, they arrested four others who were on charges that warrants had not been issued for.

On Nov. 3 they say the crime unit observed an individual in a vehicle who had fled a RIDE check in Huntsville on Oct. 15.

The vehicle was stopped and Richard Robertson, 44, of Bracebridge, was arrested and charged with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, and Failure to Comply with Release Order. He was released on appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Huntsville, Ontario Dec. 16, 2020.

Yesterday, Nov. 5 officers arrested a woman in Gravenhurst on an outstanding warrant, as well as charges of theft of a motor vehicle from Oct. 19. During a search, officers located fentanyl.

Whitney Wilson, 36, of Gravenhurst, has been charged with:

  • Fail to comply with release order
  • Fail to comply with undertaking
  • Theft under $5000
  • Theft of Motor Vehicle
  • Two counts of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000
  • Possession of a Schedule I Substance – Fentanyl

Wilson was held in custody for a bail hearing this morning at the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge.

Also Nov. 5, crime unit officers observed a driver on Main Street West in Huntsville who the say appeared to be under the influence of drugs.

With the assistance of uniform officers, the driver was stopped and arrested Mark Fagan, 34, of South River, for operation of a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs. He was released to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Huntsville Dec. 16, 2020.

He also received an Automatic Driver’s Licence Suspension for a period of 90 days.

Police took care of a little outstanding business mid-week with 22 search warrants that led to eight arrests.

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