Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
MUSKOKA — A drop of almost 150
cases in Ontario from Saturday to Sunday is encouraging news on the COVID front compared to numbers in Quebec that continued to top well over 1,000.
Ontario reported 658 cases today, compared to 805 the day before.
Quebec fell to 1,094 from 1,279 Saturday.
Simcoe Muskoka numbers aren’t reported on the weekend.
See MuskokaTODAY.com for stories this week on those daily counts.
And tomorrow for the latest totals from the weekend.
Meanwhile, a story in Toronto Star today says Ontario doctors are concerned about a new “problematic” testing system recently rolled out at select provincial pharmacies, including this week at the Shoppers Drug Mart in Gravenhurst.
The physicians claim it’s ill-prepared to cope with soaring demand and are worried about the cost, including a $42 fee per test that goes to the pharmacy, says the story.
In the big picture, the U.S. and Europe dominate news on the front, with everyone holding their breath about the Nov. 3 presidential election and eyeing the end of Trump era.
That with 210,000 deaths among a population of 331.6 million.
In Canada there have been 9,757 people die of the corona virus, among our 37.6 million citizens.
In Muskoka, with a population of 60,500 (*2016 StatsCan) there have been 71 cases and only one death reported the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
In Simcoe (the other half of the health unit reporting district) there have been 1,049 cases and 43 people have died.
And as trick-or-treaters prepare to go door-to-door in two weeks safety measures are front of everyone’s minds.
Shelling out will be tricky this year — but don’t expect big numbers.
With schools losing more students every day to worried parents — and forcing a doubling-up of classes with two combined grades in one classroom — pint-sized prowlers on the loose may be few and (hopefully) far between if they are.
Already homes are doctoring their front yards with ghoulish plots to ensnare them in webs large and small.
Even orange garbage bags stuffed with enough leaves to make win them an errant fall fair prize for greatest gargantuan gourds are appearing around towns.
As the last of the turkey is eaten and leaves turn colour and fall, numbers could rise, only possibly mitigated by tougher new restrictions on gathering in the GTA and Ottawa regions.

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