Mark Clairmont |

MUSKOKA — COVID’s constant hold continues with a consistent count.

Today’s numbers for the Simcoe and Muskoka are about average since last Friday with 18 new cases reported Oct. 14.

One of them is a Muskoka Lakes male, aged 45-64, who had close contact with someone else with the corona virus.

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit also notes that yesterday one case previously assigned to Muskoka Lakes was removed and re-assigned to different a public health unit.

Among the other 17 reported today in Simcoe are five employs at a workplace and a female 18-34 in Essa at an educational setting outbreak.

This as the regional health unit is one case shy of experiencing 1,100 cases.

They say 915 people have recovered.

But that there are 137 active cases.

And 42 deaths.

Meanwhile, the federal government’s top MOH, Theresa Tam, removed some of the scare by suggesting trick-or-treating can co ahead Oct. 31.

See local guidelines for safe shelling out.

All of this as Ontario posted 721 cases today and Quebec 844.

And health officials still say more cases are on the way in the second wave, with more restrictions are said to be on the way.

The Short-Smith-Ford families, including a relative visiting from B.C., donned their masks to enjoy a ride on the Wenonah II and see the fall colours in Muskoka Thanksgiving weekend. And meanwhile briefly unmasking their fun side, below.

Oct. 14 COVID count today for Simcoe and Muskoka.
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit daily summary for Oct. 14.


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