Mark Clairmont |
BRACEBRIDGE — The hallmark of a good story — or a greeting card for that matter — is the message conveyed by the overall visual image.
Same goes for a movie.
Well, a little hail this afternoon sure made things interesting on the Manitoba Street set of the Typhoon Kiss as film crews scurried about in rain slickers.
Nothing new for actors and techies used to working in all kinds of elements.
But the wet kiss of winter wasn’t too unusual for October in Muskoka.
And probably not so in Forest Ridge, Montana, where the movie shoot is set.
Or in Montana where there really is a Forest Ridge.
As the cord wood sign at the intersection with Taylor Road read and which this week temporarily replaces Welcome to Bracebridge: The Heart of Muskoka.
With American flags fluttering in a fall breeze, traffic was detoured around the downtown hill on the main drag, which in winter is a giant slide for toboganners.
But today there were bails of hay and corn husks on the street and a lunch-carrying actor was chauffeured across the road under cover ofa crew member’s umbrella as scenes were being shot.
Business buildings were renamed things like the Graff Hotel.
But it was good for the local economy, like Camp Muskoka Coffee just up the hill, which reporting doing brisk business in expensive coffees ordered on set.

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