Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — A suspect wanted in one robbery and three attempted robberies this week is being bars tonight.

This morning, Friday Oct. 30, OPP Tactics and Rescue Unit (TRU) officers found and arrested the man who was wanted for an ATM robbery in Coboconk early Sunday, an attempted morning robbery at an ATM drive-thru in Orillia Monday and a pair of convenience store attempted robberies later Monday evening in Gravenhurst.

Police say he was using a Taser-like weapon.

Loyal reader Sybil Jackson who has been following this week’s police pursuit story online in MuskokaTODAY.com said “I hope they catch the bastard.”

The suspect was arrested today on Hwy. 12, near Concession 10, in Ramara.

Orillia OPP, in conjunction with York Regional Police, had identified the male earlier in the day and were actively searching for him at the time.

The investigation is ongoing and more information will be released when available.

The OPP would like to thank the concerned members of the public that assisted in the identification of the suspect which led to his arrest.

See full story elsewhere on MuskokaTODAY.com.

After being thwarted in his attempted robbery attempt Monday night in Gravenhurst, an armed man went across the street and tried again, unsuccessfully.
An employee at this Lester Square Variety was first to call 911 after the second robbery attempt Monday night around the corner from the first attempt. Staff at Winewood Variety called later.

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