Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — There’s going to be a film about this pandemic.

The gory story is sill being written with many chapters to come.

And you’ll have to wait awhile to see it up on a big screen.

But it will be a fine film once it airs.

When it does, you can be Gravenhurst’s Fine Films will show it at some point.

Just not this season or during the winter.

Perhaps in the spring.

That’s the message today from the fine folks at FF.

In an email to its subscribers and supporters, the film buffs who have put on several good seasons of alternative movies — before being cut short by COVID-19 — is looking to close the curtain on 2020 — like many of you.

October is their year-end and they want to wrap up any loose ends.

That means rebating 2019-20 subscriptions and advance single tickets.

If you want a refund on your season’s pass it’s your “last call.”

“Hello to all Fine Film patrons ….”

“We are closing our books for the season on Oct. 9, 2020. We will start afresh when we know what is possible for us.”

They are “happy” to offer a refund for season’s pass holders of $32 for each pass.

Those with individual tickets to “Pain and Glory,” we can offer a refund of $10 for each ticket.

You can let them know by email at: [email protected]. Include your telephone number to be contacted directly.
As for what’s next, they say their drive-in plans have been deferred to the spring and they will be in touch once they have firm plans for getting film to you safely again in the future.
”We thank you again for being loyal supporters of independent film and of Fine Films over the years. … We hope you all remain safe these next few months.”
The letter is signed Sue, Bonnie, Candis, Mandy, Pam, Roger, Mary Lou, Bruce, Joanne, Kathy, Len and John.

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Call Fine Films for a 2019-2020 refund on your season’s pass or any advance tickets. They are closing the books Oct. 9 on a pandemic-shortened season.

Email [email protected]

Or [email protected]

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