Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — Twenty-six new COVID cases today in Simcoe more than mirrored a similar province-wide jump.

There were none in Muskoka — with just one staff member at the Granite Ridge retirement home in Gravenhurst Oct. 27 this week.

This as the health unit says one person in Simcoe Muskoka was among 44 people who tested positive after a two-day wedding two weeks ago in Vaughan that led to 44 of 100 people testing positive.

The 18 per cent local increase on Thursday — over 22 on Wednesday — topped the 12 per cent gain across Ontario, which saw 100 more people than yesterday test positive.

All health units reported 934 cases Oct. 29, up from 834 Wednesday, which brings the pandemic total province-wide number of cases to 73,819.

Ten more people are reported to have died according to today’s figures, which now add up to 3,118 total deaths in Ontario.

In Quebec another 1,030 people came down with the coronavirus, with 25 people who died, bringing their total deaths to 6,214 among 103,844 cases.

Most of the cases reported today by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit were in Barrie (5), Innisfil (5) and New Tecumseth (6).

That includes two males under the age of 18 in Innisfil. Their cases are under investigation.

The number of people who have died within the region remains at 49.

And total pandemic cases in the SMDHU responsible are have now reached 1,352, with 172 active cases.

Thursday’s SMDHU report shows no new cases in Muskoka with just one this week in Gravenhurst.
Thursday’s SMDHU report includes two males under the age of 18 in Innisfil among 26 local COVID cases.

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