Mark Clairmont | OPINION

The real losers last night were the suckers who watched the U.S. presidential smack down.

Ain’t that America, you say.

What’d you expect? United States? Civil debate?

Shut up! Politics is a blood sport, you clown.

You want your candidate to fight for the biggest brass ring on earth.

So why not use brass knuckles. You don’t bring a feather duster into a dust-up like this.

Motherhood and apple pie don’t cut it when a million people are dead.

But Donald Trump and Joe Biden missed the opportunity to go high when the other guy sucker punches you below the belt to paraphrase Michele Obama.

Cleveland really rocked.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Two-faced, three-faced … take your choice. That was our neighbours to the south in full, disgraceful view last night in Cleveland. (CNN photo)

First, a shout out to referee Chris Wallace — the flummoxed Fox News veteran wrestling to get his own words in between political pugilists — titans of talk.

He did well as countless ring masters before — like CNN’s Anderson Cooper in 2016 — without the mute button that home viewers used to give the thumbs up or down.

He should have said “Go to you corner — or go to your room.”

From the opening bell Trump and Biden came out swinging — without first touching rubber gloves.

Though Biden did enter reaching out with his arms open and: “How’s it’s goin’ man.”

It should have started with ring announcer Michael Buffer’s “Let’s get ready to rumble.”

This was WWF at its best and worst sans tights.

The protagonists fighting to lead the free world were left to bare all in bare knuckle brawl that was a shame and a sham more suited for a ShamWow commercial. A rag rage.






The debate played out as touted — a heavyweight bout with “the worst president in history” and

Law and order! It was criminal in intent that Jerry Orbach and Anita Van Buren should investigate. A street fight in Cleveland that felt like Portland.

It was chilling to watch when both should have been chilling.

Decorum went out the door with the first Q&A.

Presidential! Their demeanour was demeaning.

Boy oh boy, hurricane Donald was frightening with his complete whitewash.

It wasn’t a proud moment for Americans.

Biden shouldn’t have told the “clown” prince to “shut up.”

Cleveland rocked last night. It was more Don Cherry Rock’Em Sock’Em than Law and Order says Mark Clairmont.

The veep should have told POTUS to “stand down” and for the 100 million viewers to “stand by” until voters mail it in November.

Biden said Trump “uses everything as a dog whistle.”

But it was so loud at times even a dog couldn’t hear what was going on.

Trump was, well, Trump. Loud, obnoxious, insolent — and fake if not a flake.

This time he just talked (shouted) not stalked.

Biden showed the surprising spine he’ll need if — now as expected — he is to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and into the White House in January.

But lost in the debate were lasting answers to lingering and burning questions of the day: an epic pandemic, rampant racism, Gestapo cops, divisiveness, the economy, immigration separation, the Wall and a world on fire to name too few.

The U.S. is not longer a beacon of hope.

Forget “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

For immigrants and blacks and poor it feels more like: Abandon hope all ye who enter.”

We (they) can do better — we hope.

There was no hands down knockdown in this knockout fight. And Wednesday morning quarterbacks are giving Biden the edge 48-41 in percentage with the all important 11 per cent yet to wade in and settle this once and for all Nov. 3 (2020?)

But it’s not over. It’s like a Rocky series.

With the Washington Capitals done for the season, this was the first period of gruelling, Don Cherry “Rock’Em Sock’Em” game that will see two more periods of debacle debate next month.

Stay tuned — if you can — and keep your remote handy in case they don’t allow the next moderator C-SPAN political editor Steve Scully to shut them both up in Miami in two weeks’ time.

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