Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
BRACEBRIDGE — The importance of regular COVID testing has hit home hard at The Pines.
The same day pandemic testing was reduced to one local site, a staff member at the District of Muskoka long-term care (LTC) home here has tested positive after being swabbed in testing last week.
The district said today in a release that yesterday, Aug. 30, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit advised them that one staff member from the Pines tested positive for COVID-19.
The staff member is said to be recovering at home “with mild symptoms” and is self-isolating for a 14-day period.
And the case is considered an official “respiratory outbreak in the home,” says the health unit.
They do say “all staff have been tested seven times since the beginning of May, with the most recent testing taking place Aug. 25 to 28.
Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health, has issued directives for all LTC homes that apply in the case a staff member tests positive for COVID-19.
The Pines must consider a single, laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 in a staff member as a confirmed respiratory outbreak in the home.
“For this reason, steps are being taken at the Pines which includes completing an outbreak assessment and testing all residents and staff,” said Norm Barrette, the district’s commissioner of health services.
“For the time being, it is necessary to suspend all resident visits until the results of the resident and staff testing are received. The outcome of this week’s testing will be provided as soon as available.”
“Our thoughts are with our valued staff member as they recover from, and we thank everyone for their cooperation as we take all the necessary steps to prevent the spread of this terrible virus,” said District chair John Klinck.
The district says “daily updates will be provided to residents, their families and staff, as well as regular updates to the community.”

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