Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHURST — Under the ‘B’ it’s TV bingo night again tomorrow in Gravenhurst.

The Rotary Club of Gravenhurst returns to the air at 7 p.m. Aug. 12 for the first time in months since COVID-19.

And with five games on Cogeco Cable 10 it’s a fun way for $10 to enjoy an hour and help the service club with its many community projects.

Like Rotary’s GAP food program, its school bursary endowment fund and the Wheels for Learning.

The club has also donated $500 toward Beirut’s recovery from its community service committee, which will be matched by the federal government.

Get your bingo card at local retailers in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge and tune in every Wednesday.

It follows the 6 p.m. broadcast of the Huntsville Rotary Club, which has been back on the same YourTV channel since last month.

You can also play at the Sawdust City Brewery, the Bracebridge Legion or Frosty Pint.

For more information, see the Gravenhurst Rotary Club website link at

Rotary TV Bingo Every Wednesday Night

Rotary Club-Bingo HotLine:

(705) 687-6777

Wednesday, 7 p.m.

Gravenhurst & Bracebridge

Game Details:

GAME 1   1 LINES   $100

GAME 2   1 LINES   $ 200

GAME 3   2 LINES   $ 300

GAME 4   2 LINES   $400

GAME 5  FULL CARD  $1,000

Five-game card package – Only $10

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