Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
MUSKOKA — United they stand — divided they say we’re not.
Muskoka politicians afraid to bite the hands that feed them got their marching orders Wednesday and are beating the unity drum by pitting those concerned about COVID-19 cottage visits as un-Canadian local yokels.
Are they right?
In a rare joint release Friday afternoon, through the district, to “all our residents” — signed by the district mayors and chair — they say: “Let us remind ourselves that all our residents — both year-round and seasonal — are valued, and recognize that we share a long tradition of coming together to support one another.
“Now is not the time for divisive attitudes or the propagation of negative ‘us versus them’ social commentary relative to seasonal versus permanent residents.
“For that type of behaviour is counter-intuitive to our Canadian values and falls far short of reflecting the sentiment of the vast majority of Muskoka residents.”
And the survey says… what?
They conclude: “We are all in this together.”
It’s signed: Respectfully Terry Glover, Lake of Bays Township; Phil Harding, Muskoka Lakes Township; Paul Kelly Gravenhurst; Peter Koetsier, Georgian Bay Township; Graydon Smith, Bracebridge and John Klinck, District of Muskoka
This after their “heart-to-heart” teleconference meeting with Premier Doug Ford Wednesday — along with more than 250 other Ontario mayors and municipal bureaucrats.
Fork-tongued Ford told them they don’t need seasonal residents just right now — but he understands if concerned want to ignore all the current health warnings by slipping up to check their boathouse for flood damage.
Because, God forbid, the past two months have been such a burden that a few more weeks or months would kill them.
Guess it’s OK bide by U.S. laws and not self-isolate at their other seasonal home in Florida.
Nobody is saying don’t ever come — just not now.
Wait. Stay home. Be safe. Stay healthy — then the welcome mat is yours.
“Through your efforts, our Muskoka communities have remained relatively safe and healthy compared to so many others,” the politicians’ letter brags in a back-handed compliment that rewards good behaviour with bad.
It’s like give a kid candy for a good check-up at the dentist.
“We are all so very thankful for our frontline healthcare professionals, first responders and essential goods and services providers that are keeping us safe and ensuring that our necessities of life continue to be available in these times of uncertainty. They are our heroes.
“We must remain positive and continue to be vigilant by following the advice and direction of both our federal and provincial leaders as well as their respective public health experts. Together, we are making a difference….”
“May each of us commit to following the existing guidelines and directives relative to our own personal actions and activities.”
After taking a pot shot at permanent residents, disingenuous district politicians turned around and fired a shot over the bow of the cottagers ordering them to come if they must to cover-up, hibernate and not shop.
“Should you elect to either leave or come to Muskoka you must:
- Purchase provisions in advance and self-quarantine as appropriate;
- Self-isolate and limit all public interaction;
- Do not congregate in groups;
- Practise social (physical) distancing measures;
- Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face and mouth,
- Consider face coverings.
“Now is not the time to forsake our efforts to date,” they conclude.
“All the experts suggest that continued diligence in the short term will facilitate favourable long term results.
“May you all be safe!”
And God bless Muskoka.

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