Mark Clairmont |
HUNTSVILLE — The latest person from Muskoka confirmed with COVID-19 is a Huntsville retirement resident in her 90s.
“I can confirm that Chartwell Muskoka Traditions Retirement community has one resident confirmed as positive for COVID-19,” Sharon Ranalli told in an email resply today.
“We appreciate the media helping us share the message that we are vigilant in our efforts to manage an outbreak and thank our staff, residents and family members for their compliance and support of our efforts,” said the vice president of marketing and communications for the chain
“We are following infection control protocols, enhanced resident monitoring including temperature and symptom checks, active screening of staff, isolation strategies in the building which includes meal delivery to suites, common areas closed, residents remain in their rooms. Also the use of PPE.
“We will continue to follow all recommendations of the chief medical officer and public health.”
She added: “We remain in contact with families to keep them updated.”
Ranalli didn’t respond to a question about the woman’s condition or whether testing of staff and residents at their three homes in Muskoka for the coronavirus.
Chartwell residences also include Rogers Cove in Huntsville and James Street Retirement Residence in Bracebridge.
It previously owned Gravenhurst Manor.
The Mississauga-based company is headed by former Ontario premier Mike Harris,
Chartwell describes itself as “the largest retirement living company in Canada.”

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