Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

PORT CARLING — More on that commercial “diesel fuel” spill in Henshaw Lake  — which took place Monday — prompting a drinking water warning from the province.

An Ontario Environment Ministry spokesperson told MuskokaTODAY.com today that on April 6 a local resident notified the ministry about a “hydrocarbon sheen on the water of Henshaw Lake.”

Gary Wheeler said “the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks takes all spills and threats to the environment very seriously.”

He said in an email this afternoon in response to our call that “its ministry’s role to coordinate and oversee clean-up efforts to ensure environmental impacts are properly addressed.”

Wheeler said a ministry environmental officer attended the scene Monday evening, and has followed up with site visits each day this week to monitor the clean-up activities.

Ministry staff have determined that there was a diesel fuel leak from an above ground storage tank, located at Josh McDermott and Sons contracting at 3786 Hwy 118.

Wheeler said: “We are working to confirm the amount of fuel spilled.”

The fuel storage tank was owned by Petro Canada and they have assumed responsibility for the spill clean-up and restoration.

He said “the fuel storage tank has been emptied and removed from the site.”

The leaked fuel entered a stormwater management pond on the McDermott property, which then flowed into a stream and Henshaw Lake.

Environmental consultants and clean-up contractors retained by Petro Canada are working at the site.

They have installed absorbent booms at the outlet from the stormwater management pond, the creek into Henshaw Lake, and the outlet from Henshaw Lake.

Impacted water in the stormwater management pond has been pumped out and transported to a ministry approved treatment facility.

No hydrocarbon impacts have been observed in any downstream lakes or creeks.

Today, April 9, clean-up contractors, using boats, began skimming/collecting the hydrocarbon sheen from the surface of Henshaw Lake.

And environmental consultants will continue to assess and clean up the spill, and remove any impacted soils. MECP staff will continue to assess the clean-up  efforts.

The local public health unit has also posted public information about any possible health impacts for people who use water from the lake. Please contact the Simcoe Muskoka Public Health Unit for details.

The ministry will continue to be involved as necessary.

Environmenal clean-up efforts were underway today, April 9, on Henshaw Lake (red dot) near Port Carling after a diesel spill.


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