MUSKOKA — As promised, local homebuilders are building on their promise to help area residents cope with COVID-19.
In less than two weeks, the Muskoka-Parry Sound Relief Fund reached its first goal, raising more than $100,000 led by team leaders with the Muskoka Builders Association.
After donating to food banks the frist week, Thomas Cowden, MBA vp, presented a cheque for $20,000 to Colin Miller, executive director of South Muskoka Memorial Hospital Foundation in Bracebridge.
Said Cowden: “We were able to donate $24,000 to four local Food Banks and now, we’ve presented $20,000 to the SMMHF. More funds will be distributed this week.”
They plan to do the same for the others area hospitals’ foundations in Huntsville and Parry Sound.
And now they’re expanding with a new initiative to continue the fundraising momentum.
“We are proud to launch ‘The Muskoka-Parry Sound 100 Club,” said Cowden.
For every valued $100 donation, donors will receive an iconic decal which can be displayed on your vehicle or at your home, to reinforce your support of the Relief Fund”.
Its funding is focused on three key areas:
Equipment for 3 Hospitals in Bracebridge, Huntsville, and Parry Sound;
Community Food Programs for four local food banks;
Financial support for local women’s shelters within the Muskoka Women’s Advocacy Group.
Mike Archambault, another MBA director, said “Our entire construction industry has partnered the last two weeks in an incredible show of strength for the good of our communities in the Muskoka-Parry Sound Region.
“Now, we ask all business and families who can to join our ‘100 Club’ and make a donation and display this sticker.”
Funds may be donated through the Muskoka Builders Association website or a special
Muskoka Parry Sound Relief Fund – GoFundMe account.
#YourConstructionCommunityCares #mba100club
For more information contact:
Thomas Cowden 705 571 3440 [email protected]
Kurt Browne 705 645 8404 [email protected]
Mike Archambault 705 765 1364 [email protected]
Or go to the MBA website www.muskokabuilders.com
Or search: gofundme-muskokaparrysoundrelieffund