Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — On International Women’s Day, YWCA Muskoka opens the nominations for Muskoka’s 19th annual Women of Distinction Awards.

Women of Distinction is a signature fundraising event that ensures women and girls of Muskoka have access to and are provided services year-round through YWCA violence prevention and educational programs, life skills training, financial literacy, self-employment and wellness services.

Everyone is encouraged to nominate women in their lives who have contributed to the well-being of Muskoka’s communities.

Candidates may be year-round or seasonal residents.

New this year, nominations are no longer made to a specific category with the exception of Lifetime Achievement and Young Women of Distinction.

There will be no categories.

The committee encourages people to consider women they know who have inspired others, been influencers, mentors, excelled in their field of work or as a volunteer, and made a difference in the lives of others.

Women of Distinction nominees may have faced adversity in their lives and overcome challenges, persevered in arts or sports, innovated in business, founded or dedicated their energy to projects that have benefited Muskokans in their community or beyond.

“These women are the backbone of our community, but their contributions often fly under the radar,” said Hannah Lin, executive director of YWCA Muskoka.

“This is our chance to recognize and celebrate the women in our lives who have made a qualitative difference in Muskoka and who inspire and empower others to do the same.”

The deadline to nominate a Woman of Distinction is June 30, at 4 p.m.

Nomination forms are available online at www.ywcamuskoka.com and also at the YWCA at 440 Ecclestone Drive, Unit C3 in Bracebridge.

Call 705-645-9827 for more information or guidance in the nomination process.

A nominees reception will be held at the YWCA on July 15, to honour all nominees with their nominators.

2020 award recipients will be notified before the gala awards ceremony and by public announcement Sept. 1.

The awards will be presented at the YWCA’s 19th Women of Distinction Gala on Oct. 23 at Rene Caisse Theatre in Bracebridge.

About YWCA Muskoka:

YWCA Muskoka is a community not-for-profit organization that champions positive change for women and girls through education, leadership and advocacy. Their programs and services focus primarily on violence prevention, economic resiliency and youth education and leadership. YWCA Muskoka is part of YWCA Canada, celebrating 150 years in 2020 – the country’s oldest and largest women’s multi-service organization with 32 members associations in Canada. www.ywcamuskoka.com

The 2019 Women of Distinction recipients included women who made major contributions across Muskoka. This year the awards are wide open, without categories, save for the Lifetime Achievement Award and Young Woman of Distinction.

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