GRAVENHURST – It is with great pride that our Gravenhurst Rotary Club highlights two active members of our community for their “Service Above Self.”
The Paul Harris award, one of our highest recognitions, was presented to Judy Humphries and Marv McCabe at their Monday noon meeting this week.
Both of these individuals have been instrumental in enhancing existing projects and starting new ones for our residents.
Rotarians were most interested in the details of the many accomplishments that both Humphries and McCabe have taken on so well.
These accomplishments involved enhancing a very active town archives (and sharing this information via many well-attended informational talks) to working with the Breakfast Club at GHS, starting a junior curling group there, working with Special Olympics, serving on Probus management committee since inception of club; sitting on library board and a lot more.
They are very proud to add both to many other similarly honoured club and community members honoured as Paul Harris recipients.
The club donated $1,000 to the Rotary International Foundation in their honour.
– Barb McCabe, Rotary PR