Mark Clairmont |
MUSKOKA — Patients and visitors to Muskoka’s two hospitals who may have symptoms of the coronavirus are being segregated in separate waiting spaces as they wait further full assessment.
While Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare waits provincial approval to partner in a COVID-19 screening centre, its two sites at South Muskoka Memorial Hospital in Bracebridge and Huntsville District Memorial Hospital are screening everyone who comes in with a basic questionnaire.
Cottage Family Health Teams in Bracebridge and Huntsville are expected to partner in those new dedicated sites.
They hope to have them open next week.
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital opened a drive-though screening centre today (March 19). It is also open for walk-ins.
Meanwhile, the hospitals have restricted the locations to only essential patient and visitor use, with exceptions for palliative care.

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