Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHRST — Advance work Thursday and Friday at Brock Street and Bethune Drive in Gravenhurst is underway as CN Rail plans to move the safety rail arms (wigwags) about a dozen feet closer to the tracks Monday.

Dan Dodd, a track supervisor, said on site today, March 19, that it’s part of Transport Canada regulations since the siding track was removed last year.

More than a dozen workers are on the job for two days doing prep work, including moving some wires.

Dodds estimates the intersection will be closed for about five hours March 23.

There are only two trains a day now at the site, one northbound in the morning and another later in the day.

CN track supervisor Dan Dodds, left, of Bracebridge, and track worker Ben Yeater, of Orillia, point to the wigwag that will be moved about a dozen feet closer to the tracks due to Transport Canada regulations.
This intersection at Bethune and Brock, undergoing prep work today, will be cloed for about five hours Monday, March 23, in Gravenhurst.

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