GRAVENHURST — Prison visits here have been cancelled at the federal correctional facility Beaver Creek.

Inmates who are used to regular lockdowns won’t be able to come in contact with family or friends.

It’s part of a national coronavirus response by Correction Service Canada (CSC).

They say that in the interest of the health and safety of the public, our employees, inmates, and their families, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has suspended inmate visits from the public in all federal institutions.

Other options are available to inmates and their family and friends to stay in contact such as video visitation or telephone.

CSC says at this time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our institutions.

It says it has dedicated health care services in its institutions that have the knowledge and experience to handle cases of infectious diseases and respiratory illnesses, such as COVID‑19.

They also have an Emergency Preparedness and Response Framework to address planning for an outbreak, which includes contingency plans, medical responses, equipment requirements, and protocols, their website says.