Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — Another in the excellent series of History Lives Talks presented by Judy Humphries of the Gravenhurst Archives takes place Wednesday night at the Gravenhurst Library.

It’s called: Founding Families:  Who are the people who gave us our great beginnings?

Brock, Brown, Cockburn, Mickle, Mowry, Marter and more….

If you haven’t heard Humphries speak, you’re in for a treat with all the research and depth she goes into.

Join her at from 7-8 p.m. in the Maud Swalm room at the Gravenhurst Library Feb. 26.

Everyone is welcome to attend and it’s free.

Gravenhurst historian Judy Humphries puts up her feet as she finishes off research for her presentation for Wednesday night on some of the founding families of Gravenhurst.

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Gravenhurst historian Judy Humphries puts up her feet as she finishes off research for her presentation Wednesday night on some of the founding families of Gravenhurst.