GRAVENHURST — Tired of winter, yet?
Well, how about a good, ol’ weekend sing-along?
The Elderberries Choir has just the hour-and-a-half to cheer you up Saturday night and Sunday afternoon in Gravenhurst.
They present a selection of winter songs, including “A Marshmallow World,” “Slow Dancing in the Snow,” and “Jingle Bells (sort of).
Director Louise Jardine and piano accompanist Carolyn Grant invite everyone to a night and an afternoon of song and followup reception and treats.
And you have your choice of two performances (or come to both).
The first is this Saturday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. at St. James Anglican Church.
And again Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. at Trinity United Church.
A free will offering will be taken up to be shared with the church and the choir.
The two weekend concerts begin Saturday night at the Anglican church at 7 p.m.