Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — Here’s to the holidays — Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever your reason for the season.

Don’t forget the poor in spirit; but count your blessings.

The hope born a couple of kiloyears ago lives on.

Be positive. Think of all the good and great people; the world’s worst need no help.

Cherish those who make and deserve this day of peace and who give hope to humanity in spite of itself.

Celebrate the glass of egg nog as half-full and not half-empty — and forget the calories for one day.

Because Santa may be closer than many care to realize, if global warming continues, climate change may mean change of address for the North Pole.

The 49th parallel could become not just the summer, but permanent home of Santa.

Now that’s a Claus to make Santa pause.

Merry Christmas to all from our MuskokaTODAY.com family.

And thanks for a great 2019; we look forward to happier, healthier and more prosperous 2020 for a world brimming with goodwill and potential to crest the white caps.

Then our hopes will be borne out.

— Mark and Lois

The world and most of its residents are still amazing, hopeful and resourceful in spite of themselves. You should give thanks to Gateway Worship Centre in Gravenhurst for shining a positive, uplifting light on life as you drive down main street.

Email Mark Clairmont at [email protected]

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