GRAVENHURST — If you’re in the mood early for Christmas shopping, the Gravenhurst Fire Department welcomes your donations this Sunday at the Canadian Tire.
Firefighters are preparing for the Santa Claus Parade Saturday Nov. 23, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
As usual, firefighters will be will be leading off the parade with their 4th Annual Toy Drive in support of the Salvation Army.
“All kids need to have a present under their tree on Christmas morning, so we’re helping Santa and the Salvation Army by collecting new, unwrapped toys along the parade route. The Salvation Army will be distributing the toys later, as part of their annual Christmas efforts, after checking with Santa of course to see whose been naughty or nice,” said firefighter Danielle Ryan, who is spearheading the department’s toy drive.
“We really value making a difference in the community and each year we continue to see an increase in the generosity of our donors. I hope we can continue to provide many children joy this Christmas with the donations we receive.”
Firefighters will also be out in advance of the parade this year collecting toys at Canadian Tire on Sunday Nov. 10, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., to give people who can’t attend the parade the opportunity to participate in this year’s toy drive,” she added.
“While there is a need for all types of toys for all ages, we ask that people consider puzzles, games, and books for older children as well when making their donations,” Ryan said.
“We will accept any and all donations, with everything going directly to our local chapter of the Salvation Army here in town. It really is a great opportunity to see the community join forces and support each other on a local level.
“All donations are welcome, and 100 per cent of the contributions go directly to the Salvation Army in Gravenhurst.”
For more information, please contact the Gravenhurst Fire Department at 705-687-3414.