Mark Clairmont |

BRACEBRIDGE — The Town of Bracebridge is slowly putting together its dream team to replace its decades old arena with a combined new ice pad, library and community events hub.

Much like the Sportsplex at the north end of town — only this time between to the Monck elementary school and YIG, near the downtown.

It could open in the next few years.

A 2017 report to the town’s general committee from consultant MJMA projected a cost of more than $47 million (see full report link with concept drawings below). That concept is subject to new future, final changes in the planning stages beyond 2019.

The town says in a release Tuesday, Oct. 1. that the consulting team “will work to create a community hub with safe and accessible spaces which support community engagement, learning, culture, sport, tourism, health and wellness and personal growth for all residents and visitors to Bracebridge.”

They are planning the replacement of the Bracebridge Memorial Arena and Community Hall and the Bracebridge Public Library with a new combined Multi-Use Community Centre (MUCC)

Early plans are for it to house:

  • a single pad arena,;
  • community hall; public library;
  • multi-use field house;
  • concession/café;
  • outdoor playground, trails;
  • open spaces
  • and room for a second ice pad.

To coordinate the colossal project, the town has contracted management and facility design consultants to help guide the project.

In April 2019, the town retained Colliers Project Leaders who, working on behalf of, and under the direction of the town will be expected to provide leadership and project management expertise in the delivery of all phases and aspects of the MUCC and decommissioning of the existing Bracebridge Memorial Arena.

Ron Spina, project leader, said: “Colliers is very excited to be a part of this significant community project that we feel will provide significant benefit to the Bracebridge area for the immediate and long term future. It is clear Town staff and Council continue to be engaged to ensure this project meets the needs of the community.”

In September 2019, the Bracebridge retained MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA) to lead the design and construction contract administration of the MUCC.

The town release says the Toronto-based company is a firm specializing in architect team services for multi-use recreation centres, arenas and libraries.

They have more than 31 years of experience and they have completed in excess of 30 community and recreation projects throughout Canada in the past decade.

MJMA also has extensive experience creating facilities that offer diverse programs and support a variety of unique user activities and which become dynamic community hubs.

Ted Watson, architect and partner with MJMA, said: “We have seen that the Town of Bracebridge is fully committed to enhancing the lives of residents and visitors through the development high-quality social, recreation and cultural services.

“MJMA is very excited to be further involved in the creation of a true Multi-Use Community Centre. This represents a special opportunity for the community, one that we know will greatly enrich and further connect its citizens.”

Bracebridge Mayor Graydon Smith said: “While infrastructure like this takes time to complete, to finally see the Multi-Use Community Centre take this next step is a testament to all of the hard work put in by members of council; town staff; the library board and staff; and numerous community groups throughout the years.”

NOTE: See a link to the full 2017 MJMA report proposal to the town’s general committee here 

An artist’s rendering of what a proposed new arena/library/community hub could look like was submitted with the Februrary 2017 report to the town by consultants MJMA.

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